Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Barcelona con photos

Heyllo Everyone,

I did survive spring break. and i will write about it soon, i promise, but i did manage to upload all my pictures from before spring break. so yay! and let me tell you, facebook is annoying.

so this will be a little bit more information about Barcelona and the links to the pictures.

Okay on the first day there, on Friday, we got to walk down Las Ramblas, which as I said before is street with flower sellers, street performers, artists, etc. On one end of Las Ramblas is the Plaza de Catalunya, and on the other is this Columbus statue/monument thing with a tower that you can go up. In the middle of Las Ramblas there is a this piano where anyone can play and it is there all the time. There is also this huge market, its gigantic, with cheap fruit and food, that is delicious. Its very colorful.

Las Ramblas: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171484&id=536555856&l=b0c72c1d43

So the Columbus thing was pretty cool, it has lots of lions around the base, which is cause i think they may be a symbol or thing in Barcelona/ Catalunya, but i'm not really sure- its just a guess. I call them false idols of Aslan, but that's cause i'm weird. We got to up in the tower, and got an excellent view of the city, but because the weather was a bit bad it was windy and we could feel the tower swaying slightly. made me feel nervous. it was still pretty cool.

Columbus thing: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171326&id=536555856&l=c5860f4a79

Okay so that night, i met up with Grace, Eliza, and their friend Diana, and we walked along the pier. Then on Sunday we all took the metro to the beach, were we looked at it in the rain, because we are fairly positive that it cost money to get onto the beach/ we didn't see an entrance anywhere, and we were already cold and wet. It was still pretty and I miss the smell of brackish/ salt water. (it doesn't smell like real water unless it smells like salt (with a dash of pollution)).

Pier and Beach: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171324&id=536555856&l=e5c5767563

So on Saturday morning we went the national art musuem in Catalunya and the Joan Miro museum. Both were pretty cool and I highly recommend each. The national museum in its gothic and romantic section (i think...) had paintings from churches that were pealed off the church walls and moved to the gallery and then placed back on the walls in the same exact positions they were in the churches (so the musuem had rooms that were built to the same proportions as the church walls). It was really really cool. There was also another exhibit that we got to see, that is the later photos. some of the names of the pictures are listed after the photographs. some aren't. I really like the one of the last ones of the two Jamaican guys. I also learned about why Christ is bleeding from the chest in all the pictures of him being cruxified, but i no longer remember, so if anyone wants to enlighten me.

Art musuem: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171523&id=536555856&l=43bd2bc514

Later on saturday we also went to Sagrada Familia. Which is a church designed by Gaudi and it looks like a fairy tale castle. It's very pretty, and its also gigantic and very detailed. I tried to get the best pictures I could. It is supposed to be done sometime in 2020 or around there i think.

Sagrada Familia: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171646&id=536555856&l=8af6876d84

Earlier on Saturday, I met up with Grace, Eliza, and Diane again and we looked at the casas de Gaudi that were near to Las Ramblas. These are houses/ buildings that were designed by Gaudi. We saw two of them and they were both really cool. I don't remember their names exactly, but they were two of the most famous ones. If you really need/ want to know, i suppose you or me could google it.

Casas de Gaudi: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171497&id=536555856&l=93c6556580

On sunday we got to see the Picasso museum and got a tour of the gothic neighborhood in Barcelona. It was a really cool tour and at the end of the tour we started hearing gun shots, and as we turned the corner we saw police shooting blanks into the sky as the signal for the start of a procession to honor some saint (i believe). i no longer remember which saint, but the procession was pretty cool, there were lots of plastic doll people and people in costumes, etc. There are also pictures of plaza de catalunya and other random pictures of Barcelona.

Gothic neighborhood and random pictures of Barcelona: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=170552&id=536555856&l=a1c036554e

Procession: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171454&id=536555856&l=2f32329c67

On Sunday we went to Parque Guell, which was amazing and awesome. We got rained on, like I have been everywhere, but it was only a light drizzle. This place was designed by Gaudi, there is a museum of his old house (which we didn't go into). There is a lot of mosaic tiles and there is a building that reminds me of the gingerbread house. I mean all in all, its hard to stress how awesome i found the place. It was just pure amazing, and remember if my pictures don't show it- it was cloudy, foggy, overcast, and raining. It is truly an amazing place.

Parque Guell: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171658&id=536555856&l=eefa5dd8e6

Okaies and this last one, wasn't actually part of Barcelona, but before I left I went on a tour of the Bosque de la Alhambra with my roommate and some other girls from my program and other people from CLM (centro de lenguas modernas- mi universidad). They thought it was going to be a night tour of the Alhambra, I didn't know what to think it was. It was a night tour of the trees/ forest of the Alhambra. I found it to be really cool. At one point they talked about how the plants here were poisonous (a tree he pointed out), and then he talked about how the trees got infested by parasites and how they tried to get them out in various ways but eventually had to use burning and pesticides. The tour guide also talked about how the people who have to strongholds right across the way from each other (the arabs and the christians) and how the forest came to be there- of which i actually remember very little. I found the parasite information most interesting- but that may be because it reminds me of the beetle situation in Colorado.

Bosque de la Alhambra: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=171650&id=536555856&l=703ad64012

So that was Barcelona with more detail. I promise that I will talk about Spring break at some point soon.

Love, Liz

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